Cookie policy

Groupe Waterair, the registered office address of which is Zone Artisanale, 68580 SEPPOIS-LE-BAS, processes information from cookies installed on your computer terminal from their websites (hereinafter, the ” Website “).

List of Waterair websites :

What is a cookie?

Cookies are files intended to be stored on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) which will be used by the Website to interact with your browser in order to send or receive information.  Cookies allow for information to be stored throughout your use of the Website, in addition to information relating to your previous visits.
Only the issuer of a cookie can receive and read the information contained in this file.

Why do we use cookies?

Groupe Waterair uses these cookies in order to:

  • present you with advertising and information tailored to your interests (advertising cookies);
  • enable you to share the content of our website with other Internet users (social networking cookies);
  • measure and analyse the use of our website (audience measurement cookies);
  • ensure that your purchases run smoothly (“shopping basket” cookies);
  • identify you quickly (“session identifier” cookies and “authentication” cookies);
  • optimise the way our website is displayed according to your preferences and the terminal you are using (interface personalisation cookies);
  • provide you with an optimal browsing experience (operating cookies);
  • allow for the viewing of videos hosted on the Youtube and Vimeo video platforms (video cookies);
  • carry out ergonomic tests in real time, known as “AB tests” (AB test cookies).
  • cookies from our partner Numberly, in order to present you with advertising and information tailored to your interests (advertising cookies);

What kind of cookies do we use?

We use and authorise cookies on the Website for operational, analytical, audience measurement and statistical purposes .

Furthermore, we confirm that no cookies will be installed on your terminal unless you have expressly given your consent by activating this within our cookie manager, with the exception of any functional cookies required for our website to operate properly.

How long are cookies and the information derived from cookies stored for?

The lifetime of cookies is limited to that associated with each cookie in the table below.

List of cookies by website


Cookie namePurposeStorage periodData controllerCookie category
MUIDRecords the pages viewed by Internet users on the website in order to set up personalised advertising13 monthsWATERAIR / MICROSOFTAnalytical
_ce.sTo monitor the surfer’s browsing habits and interactions with the website in order to improve the user experience12 monthsWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
_gcl_auRecords surfers’ interactions with ads in order to measure their effectiveness3 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAnalytical
_fbpOffer personalised advertising3 monthsWATERAIR / FACEBOOKAnalytical
_uetsidTracking and recording Internet users’ browsing of the site1 dayWATERAIR / BING ADSAnalytical
_uetvidTracking and recording Internet users’ browsing of the site2 monthsWATERAIR / BING ADSAnalytical
_vwo_uuid_v2Testing the best presentation of the website through A/B testing12 monthsWATERAIR / VISUAL WEBSITE OPTIMIZERAnalytical
cappingLimits the number of times advertising content can be repeated for the same user12 monthsWATERAIR / EASY DMPAnalytical
CebsTracks the user’s session to improve the user experienceSessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
Cebsp_Tracks the user’s session to improve the user experienceSessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
cusidAllows forms to be submitted directly to the WATERAIR CRM1 dayWATERAIR / CLICKDIMENSIONSAnalytical
dicbo_idStatistical measurement of conversions1 dayWATERAIR / OUTBRAINAnalytical
livraisonMakes it possible to track the status of orders and deliveries12 monthsWATERAIR / EASY DMPAnalytical
sqd_fpPersonalised advertising via email4 monthsWATERAIR / SQUADATAAnalytical
sqd_nwvstPersonalised advertising via email1 dayWATERAIR / SQUADATAAnalytical
sqd_vstPersonalised advertising via email10 daysWATERAIR / SQUADATAAnalytical
ecdstpds1Personalised advertising via email15 daysWATERAIR / SQUADATAFunctional cookie
waterair_originEnables you to determine the origin of the web user based on the advertising campaign they have been the subject of (email/sms).1 dayWATERAIRAnalytical
_ce.irvEnables you to determine whether or not this is the first time the user has connected to the website (stores the “IsReturning” value)SessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAudience measurement and statistics
_gaIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
_ga XXXIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
rollup_gaConfiguring google analytics functionality13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
rollup_ga XXXConfiguring google analytics functionality13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
waterair_refererRecords the last URL visited1 dayWATERAIRAudience measurement and statistics
_omappvpRecords the last visit to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / OPTINMONSTERAudience measurement and statistics
_omappvsProvides functionality on web pages1 dayWATERAIR / OPTINMONSTERAudience measurement and statistics
cuvidUsed to determine the number of unique visitors to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / CLICKDIMENSSIONAudience measurement and statistics
cuvonTo find out the date on which the last visitor consulted a page on the website1 dayWATERAIR / CLICKDIMENSSIONAudience measurement and statistics
_ce.clock_dataPrevents repeated requests to the clock API (differentiating between human visitors and robots)1 dayWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGFunctional cookie
_ce.clock_eventCompares the server time with the time of the user’s browser (differentiates between human visitors and robots)1 dayWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGFunctional cookie
didomi_tokenStores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / DIDOMIFunctional cookie
euconsent-v2Stores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / IABFunctional cookie
wp-wpml_current_languageSaves the user’s language preferencesSessionWATERAIR / WORD PRESS MULTILINGUALFunctional cookie


Cookie namePurposeStorage periodData controllerCookie category
_gaIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
_ga XXXIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
didomi_tokenStores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / DIDOMIFunctional cookie
euconsent-v2Stores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / IABFunctional cookie
pll_languageSaves the user’s language preferences1 dayWATERAIR / WORD PRESSFunctional cookie


Cookie namePurposeStorage periodData controllerCookie category
_GRECAPTCHAProtection against spam6 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSFunctional cookie
_ce.sTo monitor the surfer’s browsing habits and interactions with the website in order to improve the user experience12 monthsWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
_gcl_auRecords surfers’ interactions with ads in order to measure their effectiveness3 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAnalytical
_vwo_uuid_v2Testing the best presentation of the website through A/B testing12 monthsWATERAIR / VISUAL WEBSITE OPTIMIZERAnalytical
CebsTracks the user’s session to improve the user experienceSessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
Cebsp_Tracks the user’s session to improve the user experienceSessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAnalytical
_ce.irvEnables you to determine whether or not this is the first time the user has connected to the website (stores the “IsReturning” value)SessionWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGAudience measurement and statistics
_gaIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
_ga XXXIdentifies each unique user in order to record and count the number of visits to the website13 monthsWATERAIR / GOOGLE ANALYTICSAudience measurement and statistics
_ce.clock_dataPrevents repeated requests to the clock API (differentiating between human visitors and robots)1 dayWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGFunctional cookie
_ce.clock_eventCompares the server time with the time of the user’s browser (differentiates between human visitors and robots)1 dayWATERAIR / CRAZY EGGFunctional cookie
didomi_tokenStores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / DIDOMIFunctional cookie
euconsent-v2Stores the individual’s cookie preferences6 monthsWATERAIR / IABFunctional cookie
pll_languageSaves the user’s language preferences1 dayWATERAIR / WORD PRESSFunctional cookie

How can you prevent cookies being installed on your device?

By clicking on the “Cookies” icon on all the pages of our Website, you can choose which cookies you wish to activate or deactivate. If you choose not to activate a cookie, it will not be installed on your device.

What is a refusal cookie?

If you decide not to accept cookies, your choice will result in a refusal cookie being installed on your device, informing the websites you visit of your decision. Refusal cookies are necessary cookies, and are exempt from the requirement to obtain consent. If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible for these sites to be notified of your choice and your objection will not be taken into account.

How long is your choice valid for ?

The choice you make regarding cookies (acceptance or refusal) is kept for six (6) months. At the end of this period, we will renew the request for consent.

Further information about cookies

To find out more about cookies, or to manage, delete or identify them, click on this link : Manage cookies (link to the cookie manager).

Updated August 2024

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